Digital Branded Christmas Game Developers

Looking for an Innovative Christmas Gift for Internal or External Business Use?

Branded games provide a great alternative to corporate cards and business gifts. We develop custom interactive Christmas games around your brand to provide a fun, interactive experience for customers and/or employees to play across a multitude of devices.

Our full custom branded Christmas game development service covers everything from game design & concept work, artwork, animation, sound design and coding right through to the final game build.

Please feel free to get in touch with any questions or to discuss a specific project.

How Can We Use Corporate Branded Christmas Games in Our Business?

External Promotional Use

Instead of the usual business gifts and corporate cards, why not consider a corporate Christmas game to send out to customers/clients past and present. Provide a fun, interactive festive themed game to help keep your business top of mind over the festive period.

Internal Employee Use

Want to reward your employees with a fun activity in the run up to and over the festive period? A fun game can be a great way of showing your appreciation for staff and boosting morale.

If you want to add a team building component to your game, we can design it to be played in large or small groups. Give staff a fun exercise to do together in the office. Encourage communication, collaborative problem solving and more amongst employees. Or even create a game suitable for kids and adults alike, so employees can play with family over the festive period.

It's hardly groundbreaking news that study after study has shown a direct correlation between employee morale and productivity. A happy workforce is a productive workforce. Plus, keeping your staff happy in the work environment has the potential to help reduce employee turnover. So keeping the workforce happy with a fun digital game over the festive period really can have a huge positive effect on your business and ultimately profitability.

What Types of Branded Christmas Games Can You Make?

We'll design your Christmas game to specifically meet your business needs, budget and appeal to your target audience.

Want a game that can be played by customers with their friends and families over the Christmas period, or in the office with work colleagues? We can create local multi-player and turn-based interactive Christmas games that will appeal to a range of audiences. From digital board games and puzzles for casual and inexperienced gamers, through to more arcade oriented experiences such as platform games for the more tech and gaming savy audience, we've got it covered.

Want a game that's playable by individuals on their own? That's fine too. We can also incorporate features such as high score boards to encourage friendly competition between players as well as repeat plays.

How Can We Send Our Branded Xmas Game Out?

We usually recommend making your game web based. This gives you full control over where and when to publish, whilst making it easiest to access by players. Publishing your branded Christmas game online is also the most cost effective way to get compatibility across the widest range of devices, from desktop computers to mobile devices and tablets.

All players need to do is either enter the web address or click a link to play directly in the web browser, without the need to download and install a software application.

You can either install your game on a page of your website or on a dedicated domain name. We can also provide hosting for you, if required.

You're probably going to want to send out your game via email in plenty of time. Publishing online is best suited to this also.

Once your game has been posted online, just send the direct link out on your emailing list. Then your audience are just a click away from playing.

We can also produce graphics for you to use in the email you use to send the game link out, if you wish.

Other Options

There's no reason why you can't use your branded Christmas game in other areas of your marketing as well.

Need a hook for a seasonal press release? Or a great piece of enjoyable interactive content to coincide with a Christmas sales promotion or marketing campaign? A promotional game may be just what you're looking for.

Do You Offer Off-the-Shelf Brandable Christmas Games?

We don't offer off-the-shelf re-brandable christmas games, we create each game for a specific client. This way we make sure every client gets a game that's designed from the ground up to meet their requirements, rather than having to pick the best fit from a limited selection of pre-built games.

How Much Do Corporate Christmas Games Cost?

Despite what you might think getting a custom interactive Christmas game for your business doesn't have to cost the earth. We use development solutions that allow us to streamline the game development process to allow for rapid, cost-effective game development. We are also happy to work within realistic client specified budgets and can either give you some game concept options or help tweak your own ideas to work within your particular budget.

Our Branded Christmas Game Development Services

We cover the full promotional Xmas game development process, from initial designs, concepts and mock-ups through to the final game build, including artwork, animation, coding, music and sound design. Plus we're here to answer any questions and advise you every step of the way.

Get in Touch

If you need a quote for a branded Christmas game development project, or just some more general advice, please don’t hesitate to get in touch and we’ll be happy to help.

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