Custom Digital Interactive Games for Training Sessions

Looking to Use a Game to Put Some Fun Into Your Corporate Training Activities?

Create engaging, memorable and above all fun games for trainers to use as part of a training programme for employees and customers alike.

If you're looking to use digital games for a training workshop, to deliver as engaging training course materials across a wide range of devices, or group team building activities to participants at a wide range of locations, we can help.

How Can We Use a Game for Training Sessions?

We can make digital games for training activities in a full range of areas, including new employee training, customer service training, product knowledge, learning internal company best practices and processes, health and safety, a problem solving and decision making exercise, a team building activity and more.

Provide people with engaging games activities, that encourage participation and interaction, to break up the day and keep training session groups interested.

If you provide paid or free training courses, workshops or activities as part of your business offering, why not consider using a game activity in place of some of your more static training course materials.

We can produce anything from one game to a full library help provide a great activity for training course participants. Games can be used for anything from icebreakers, to a full range of interactive training resources tailored to different aspects of your course.

At work

Make training resources more engaging when educating employees in the workplace. Educate on new company practices, legal requirements and industry best practices, provide training for your sales team, help train customer service staff for a better customer experience, teach people about aspects of your company, and more.

Employee team building

It's not just business training courses where games can be a useful training activity. They can be used to inject some fun into corporate team building exercises. We can design serious games that people can play in teams, encourage group discussion and collaborative problem solving.

Dedicated Training workshops

Looking for an engaging interactive activity for trainers to use to compliment learning materials and replace passive presentations for your training seminar or workshop? Get your participants actively involved, talking and actually enjoying the training activity.

Where Can We Use Training Games?

We can design games to be used as an individual or group training activity. A full range of deployment options are available to suit your learning environment, including:

Desktop Computer Game Production

We can build games as offline Windows PC software applications, if you want your course to be delivered in person by a trainer and playable offline, without the need for a live internet connection. Read more...

Web Game Production

We create web based HTML5 games for cross-platform play. This allows you to publish your game on your website for play in the web browser, allowing participants to either play on tablets supplied by the trainer or their own devices, in any location where they have a live internet connection. Read more...

Types of Training Games

Depending on your requirements, we can design training games for trainers to deliver to participants in various situations, in a variety of group sizes, either individually or in teams. We can also create local multi-player games to allow training course delegates to play together on the same device/computer.

The games we create are designed and built from the ground up to complement each particular client's training materials. So your training game(s) can be whatever you want, whether it's fairly simple ice breakers, or a more involved exercise that is more closely linked to the training materials. We can either help you flesh out your own activity ideas into workable concepts, or come up with ideas from your existing resources, or from scratch for you.

Just some of the types of games worth considering adding to your corporate training materials are business simulations, digital board games, quizzes.

Reuse Training Games Again and Again

Production can have a relatively significant cost attached to it (although we can work with you to define and work to strict budgets where necessary), but think of it as a long-term investment for trainers to used again and again.

We can also provide ongoing updates as time passes, in order to keep the content fresh or make necessary changes as the learning subjects evolve.

Do You Offer Off-the-Shelf Training Games

Unlike many producers we don't offer off-the-shelf customisable games, we develop each bespoke training game for a specific client's activity. This way we make sure every client gets a game that's designed from the ground up to get across exactly the information they need and appeal to their participants.

This ensures you get the best fit for your course requirements and target audience, rather than having to pick from a limited selection of pre-built solutions. It also gives you a training activity unique to your business.

Our Approach to Creating Interactive Training Games

We’re firm believers in the value of making training activities entertaining and enjoyable. We take a different approach to most developers. Avoiding sterile, crude, functional (often statistically based) business simulations, we bring the same production values as we do to the traditional video games we make. We wholeheartedly believe that making training activities fun for participants (and production quality) is extremely important.

We’ll work with you, to formulate a plan to transfer your training course materials and information into the gaming world in innovative ways, without losing sight of your goals. We can either work on translating existing learning resources and training materials packages, or worth on a plan from scratch. Then we’ll handle the full production process. We can also include early stage prototypes where necessary, so you can “live test” the activities with sample groups of participants before going into full production.

Our Training Game Design & Development Services

We cover the full training game production process, from initial designs, concepts and mock-ups through to the final build, including artwork, animation, coding, music and sound design. Plus we’re here to answer any questions and advise you every step of the way.

Who We've Created Games For

We’re a Bristol, United Kingdom based game developer with over a decade of experience developing games for businesses large and small and can provide solutions to suit most budgets. Some of our clients include London based marketing and advertising agencies, one of the biggest theatre companies in the UK (and London's West End), one of the world's most successful independent film & TV production/distribution companies, one of the world's largest supermarket chains, book publishers, a well known UK motorsport venue and more.

Get in Touch

If you need a quote for a training game project, or just some advice, please don’t hesitate to get in touch and we’ll be happy to help.

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