HTML5 Game Developers

Looking to Use a Custom HTML5 Game for Marketing, Education or a Serious Business Application?

HTML5 (the common name for the HTML5 markup language + CSS + JavaScript) is the most cost effective and time efficient technology for cross-platform game development for delivery across a multitude of devices, from desktop PCs and Macs to smartphones and tablets.

HTML5 games can be build for deployment across a multitude of platforms, including embedded in websites, for play in desktop and mobile web browsers, or built as offline applications for use on standard PC hardware.

If you're looking for UK based JavaScript/HTML5 game developers to create a game for user engagement, a specific marketing campaign, or some serious application, using modern technologies we can help. We can also convert and update your old Flash games to HTML5 for mobile compatibility.

How Can We Use HTML5 Games?

Branded HTML5 Games

We're a highly experienced HTML5 game developer with over a decade of experience in design and development of video games for digital marketing campaigns that intrinsically communicate brand values and product features and benefits in an engaging way. These can be anything from simple fun time-waster casual games to something more involved, to provide a much more immersive experience than other forms of marketing content, such as videos.

We're totally comfortable producing artwork for games that conforms to the strictest of brand guidelines, while being mindful of the technical and functional aspects specific to designing games. Read more...

Some of the ways you can use HTML5 games are:

HTML5 Advergames

Advergames provide the ultimate in interactive online marketing content. Use a branded advergame on your website to help promote your company as a whole or market specific products and services. Read more...

HTML5 Trade Show Games

We create games for use online or offline, to help increase engagement on your trade show stand. If you choose to build an HTML5 game into your stand we can support a variety of input devices, from PC touch screens to gaming controllers. Read more...

HTML5 Games for Live Marketing Events

Use an engaging digital game as the focus of your live marketing event. Post your HTML5 game on your website and create a QR code to make it easy for participants to access your web game on their own devices, or provide a PC based interactive kiosk at the event for play. Read more...

Serious HTML5 Games

Our HTML5 game development service covers serious business applications. Read more...

Some of the ways you can use HTML5 serious games are:

Educational HTML5 Games

We create digital interactive games to help reinforce a broad range of learning objectives. Whether it's for a formal academic subject, or just to raise awareness of social issues, educational HTML5 games can be great interactive tools. Read more...

HTML5 Museum Games

We develop HTML5 games for delivery via interactive kiosk installations in museums, galleries and other spaces. Create anything from bitesized digital interactive experiences to deliver information about specific exhibits through to larger experiences to increase engagement and generate interest on the web. Read more...

HTML5 Training Games

Make your corporate training programmes more engaging and memorable with HTML5 gaming. We create HTML5 games for use internally, in your company, or for service providers who want to use games as part of workshops they provide as part of their business. Read more...

Future-Proof Your Web Games With HTML5

Using the latest web development technologies, HTML5 developers can be sure online content doesn't require users to install third-party web browser plugins.

HTML5 online games run directly in all major web browsers, so you don't need to worry about shifting third-party platforms or trends making games completely obsolete at a later date.

Flash to HTML5 Game Conversion

We can convert your existing Flash web browser games to HTML5 and make them compatible with current mobile devices as well as personal computers.

As part of each conversion project we'll also look at any required redesign work, improvements and updates to content, to keep the new version up-to-date. Read more...

Why Should We Choose HTML5 Web Based Games Over Mobile Apps?

HTML5 allows us to develop web games that don't require players to download and install an app, as well as allow quick and easy deployment after completion, without having to worry about requirements and submission processes for mobile app stores. With HTML5 mobile games your audience no longer needs the third party browser plugins required by other web technologies.

HTML5 games are compatible with a huge variety of devices and platforms, including popular iOS and Android smartphones and tablets as well as desktop PCs and Macs with modern browsers installed. So with HTML5 games there's no need to maintain and submit a different version on each of the mobile app store platforms.

Because you get total control over what, when and where to publish, this gives you more flexibility and certainty when it comes to timings of game releases.

Stand-Alone Application Game Development

If you need a stand-alone PC application, technologies such as Node Webkit, along with HTML5, provide developers with one of the most versatile game development platforms. This makes HTML5 ideal if you want to develop games for online and offline use with minimal changes for each build.

If you need a PC based interactive kiosk game (for use without a live internet connection), HTML5 is a great option. You benefit from streamlined, cost effective, cross-platform game development and the final build is practically indistinguishable from any other Windows application.

What Input Devices Can HTML5 Games Support?

HTML5 games can support many different input types depending on the application, including touch screen on desktop and mobile, mouse, keyboard and standard PC gaming controllers such as joysticks, gamepads and steering wheels, via the HTML5 gamepad API.

Additional Features

Our game development service can include scoreboard setup. This can be implemented as a global online scoreboard via a server-side script for online games, or local scoreboards for Windows application builds.

We can also offer integration with a variety of platforms, backend systems and APIs, as well as development of custom server-side scripts, where needed. It's best to discuss your functionality requirements with us, then we can figure out the best way to meet your goals.

Social media sharing buttons can also be included in your HTML5 game, to make sharing your online game link easier on Twitter and Facebook.

Our Custom HTML5 Game Engine

We develop our own HTML5 game engine, rather than using off-the-shelf/open source solutions. This gives us an easy to modify and update framework that enables us to offer rapid, high quality, custom online game development services, using new technologies, techniques and industry standard tools, without programming completely from scratch each time.

You're not paying us to reinvent the wheel, or deal with device/browser specific quirks and bugs. Our HTML5 engine gives us a code base that covers fast 2D GPU accelerated WebGL canvas graphics rendering and common game functions, so we can focus on using your budget on JavaScript code and asset creation specific to your project.

We also get full control of adding game specific features that we and our clients need. This allows us to stay right at the forefront of HTML5 game development.

Do You Offer Off-the-Shelf Customisable HTML5 Games

Unlike many HTML5 game developers we don't offer off-the-shelf customisable HTML5 games, we create each bespoke project for a specific client. This way we make sure every client gets a finished product that's designed from the ground up, rather than taking the "that'll do" approach by licensing HTML5 games from a pre-built catalogue.

This ensures you get the best fit for your project requirements and target audience, rather than having to pick from a limited selection of pre-built HTML5 games.

Because developing games using our own HTML5/JavaScript engine allows us to streamline the development process, we can keep development budgets and timescales under control. So developing games from scratch doesn't have to cost a fortune.

Our Custom HTML5 Game Development Services

We’re a highly experienced Bristol, UK based HTML5 game developer covering full custom game development from concept to delivery, including initial designs and mock-ups, artwork, creation of sprites and animations, level design, menu & front-end design, production of final assets, JavaScript coding, music and sound. Plus we’re here to answer any questions and advise you every step of the way.

If you already have an idea for what you want your game to be, we can advise and help flesh out your existing idea into a workable game concept. Alternatively, we can come up with ideas from scratch based on your requirements.

From the initial design stage we'll plan for all target screen sizes and input device options. So you can be sure you'll get a uniform gameplay experience across all target devices. We use responsive design techniques to make sure the HTML5 games we create cater to a full range of devices and screen aspect ratios. So whether players are using a desktop computer, tablet or smartphone, you'll be able to offer a great experience regardless of the screen size.

Unlike many other custom HTML5 game developers, we're not jack-of-all trades web developers, we're a specialist game development service provider. We have a deep understanding of the specific technical challenges associated with game dev and coding and have a wealth of skills, expertise and experience to solve those problems efficiently.

Who We've Created Games For

We're specialist HTML5 game developers, designers and programmers with over a decade of experience creating games for businesses large and small and can provide solutions to suit most budgets. Some of our clients include London based marketing and advertising agencies, one of the largest radio companies in Europe, one of the Big Six energy suppliers, the world's leading outdoor advertising company, and more.

Get in Touch

If you need a quote for an HTML5 game development project, or just some more general information and advice, please don't hesitate to get in touch and we'll be happy to help.

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