Flash to HTML5 Game Conversion Services

Looking to Convert Your Old Flash Games to Mobile Compatible HTML5?

Now that the web based Adobe Flash player has reached its end of life, you should already be planning to convert any old online games to HTML5/JavaScript, if you want to keep them.

HTML5 also allows mobile games to be run in the web browser. So if you're looking to convert Flash games, to make them compatible with modern mobile devices, we can help.

We're a highly experienced, UK based HTML5 game developer who can convert anything from a single game right through to an entire catalogue of games for a microsite or a games area of your website.

Don't We Need the Original Flash Files and AS3 Code?

We don't usually need the original source files or ActionScript source code to do a Flash to HTML5 conversion, just a playable swf build of the old Flash game.

We'll write new Javascript code from scratch. We also usually recommend revisiting game assets and ideally recreating artwork/animations and audio from scratch as part of the game conversion anyway. This can give your HTML5 game conversion a more polished, modern look, especially if your games are getting a bit long in the tooth and looking a bit dated.

Because mobile compatibility means catering for touch screens, in many case some rethinking on the gameplay design/controls is necessary when we convert Flash to HTML5.

What Types of Games Can You Convert?

We specialise in producing branded and serious games for business applications. So if you want to convert these types of flash game to HTML5, you're in safe hands. Just some of the types of games you should consider converting, now the Adobe Flash player has reached its end of life, are:

Games for Marketing

Any evergreen web based marketing content that's Adobe Flash based should be converted to HTML5 if you don't want to risk losing it.

We're one of UK's leading specialists in producing branded web games, with over a decade of experience creating games to help promote brands, products and services.

So whether you want to convert just one branded game, or a whole catalogue, we've got it covered. We're totally comfortable working to the strictest of brand guidelines while producing visuals. So if you want to completely update brand visuals while creating the new version of your game, we can help with that too.

Applied Games

Any serious online games such as online training games and educational web games should be converted.

Again, it's probably also a good opportunity to look at updating the educational or training material and refreshing visuals when we convert Flash games.

We can also look at reviewing current learning objectives for your courses and expanding, revising and updating the content to better meet your current goals.

How Much Does Adobe Flash to HTML5 Conversion Cost?

This isn't an easy question to answer. It's very much dependent on the complexity of the original game(s) you want to convert.

If you send us a link to the current live Flash game(s), we'll be able to advise you and put together a plan and a fixed price quote to convert your Adobe Flash game.

What is Involved in Converting Flash Games to HTML5?

The Flash to HTML5 game conversion process starts by taking a look at the existing Flash game. From here we can produce a spec and plan for the new version of your Flash game.

Doing a direct 1:1 conversion of your Flash game isn't usually a good idea. So we do everything by hand. When converting Flash games, we don't use an HTML5 converter, automated scripts or ActionScript code conversion tools, but write JavaScript code from scratch.

We can also create assets where necessary as part of game conversion, including artwork, animation and sound. This ensures you get the best possible end product. In most cases the HTML5 conversion of your game will be significantly better than the original Flash game.

One of the main reasons to convert an Adobe Flash game to HTML5 is to bring to it up-to-date, by making it compatible with mobile devices. This usually requires a rethink on controls and possibly game mechanics. Otherwise your new game won't work well (if at all) on mobile touch screens. So we can advise you on that and do any game redesign work as well.

Then there's the different screen sizes you're going to want to support for cross-device compatibility. We can update game designs and layouts to use responsive design. This will make the new version work well and look great across different screen sizes and aspect ratios.

Once we've nailed all of that down we'll be able to get to work on converting your Flash game. You'll also get to see work we've done as we progress.

We also handle full testing/QA, including making sure your game works across a range of devices (including smartphones, tablets and desktop computers) and popular web browsers (including Safari, Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and more).

Our Flash to HTML5 Game Conversion Services

We’re highly a experienced computer game developer who cover the full video game conversion process. Just supply the old game web link or swf file and we'll formulate a plan and make recommendations to convert your Flash game, so it works on smartphones and tablets as well as desktop computers.

Using our vast experience in game development, we design games to work across a multitude of devices, we cover everything from game design tweaks to producing revised and improved assets, Javascript game code, sound effects and the final build.

Unlike many other custom HTML5 game developers, we’re not a jack-of-all trades web designer, we’re a specialist game development service provider. We have a deep understanding of the specific technical challenges associated with game development and have a wealth of skills, expertise and experience to solve those problems efficiently.

We can also tweak, revise and expand your current game in other ways too. We can add additional features and create extra content including more/redesigned levels & characters, expanded game mechanics, and more.

Our HTML5 Game Development Engine

Using our own 2D HTML5 game development engine provides the JavaScript code for fast 2D WebGL HTML5 canvas rendering, sound and many high level game specific functions pre-written. This allows us to efficiently convert Flash to HTML5, while not compromising on quality. We're not constantly reinventing the wheel or program from scratch and can focus your budget and the time we have on what matters, programming and assets for your specific Flash game conversion.

Get in Touch

If you need a quote for a Flash to HTML5 game conversion project, or just some more general advice, please don’t hesitate to get in touch and we’ll be happy to help.

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